März 4, 2025


Das Lübecker Statdfernsehen

Ein erster Blick auf die nächste Generation der miniLED-LCD-TV-Technologie von Sony – aktualisiert

Ein erster Blick auf die nächste Generation der miniLED-LCD-TV-Technologie von Sony – aktualisiert

Sony is not announcing new TVs at CES 2024 but the company gave FlatpanelsHD a unique preview of its next-generation miniLED technology planned for an upcoming flagship LCD TV.

Update: Article has been updated with two videos, shot by FlatpanelsHD, of Sony's new miniLED LCD technology.

With TCL moving to 5000 miniLED dimming zones in its latest LCD TVs, Sony is gearing up to counter with upgraded miniLED LCD technology aimed at improving picture quality and reducing power consumption. During an event last year in Tokyo, Japan, attended by FlatpanelsHD, Sony's display engineers showcased and discussed the technology for the first time. Unfortunately, we are not yet able to share information on the actual product or sizes. However, we can share some video of the new technology, information and thoughts ahead of the official announcement. While Sony did not specifically say that it is coming in 2024, there were enough indications that we fully expect it to happen this year.

Sony's next-gen miniLED LCD tech

Sony's display engineers argued that effective local dimming, miniLED or otherwise, in an LCD TV is primarily determined by 3 components:
  1. The TV processor, responsible for dividing the input signal into LCD and LED backlight data (sometimes referred to as the "dimming algorithm").
  2. The driver, tasked with converting the LED backlight data into analog signals.
  3. The (mini)LED backlight, which transforms the electrical signal into visible light (then regulated for light/color levels by the LCD panel).
Sony believes it masters these disciplines better than any other, even if its LCD TVs do not always have the highest number of dimming zones among TV makers. In 2024, Sony will transition to a new 22-bit miniLED driver (10-bit current + 12-bit PWM, while the LCD panel remains 10-bit). The company claims that this driver is the world's smallest, enabling the incorporation of more dimming zones. The 2024 miniLED LCD TV will feature more dimming zones and while Sony is not disclosing the exact number of zones, it did say that each TV size will have more zones than the equivalent Z9D/ZD9, which significantly raised the standard for local dimming back in 2016. Of course, there have been advancements in the field since then.

Ein erster Blick auf die nächste Generation der miniLED-LCD-TV-Technologie von Sony – aktualisiert