Virtuelle Realität Kopfhörer haben sich in den letzten zehn Jahren ziemlich verändert und sind hauptsächlich leistungsfähiger und erschwinglicher geworden. HTC Vive XR Elite, wie die letzte Meta Suche Pro Und vielleicht Apfel erwartetes Gerätwirft die Frage auf: Sind wir wirklich bereit für den Aufstieg von Virtual-Reality-Hardware im Wert von über 1.000 US-Dollar?
The $1,099 headset, available for preorder Thursday, is arriving by the end of February — remarkably soon for a CES product. That means it’ll be available alongside Sony’s PlayStation 5-connected PSVR 2. While less expensive than the Quest Pro, the XR Elite’s price costs about as much as buying a PS5 and a PSVR 2 together. It’s far from an impulse purchase. But the hardware, which shrinks down the VR form to a pair of nearly glasses-like goggles and includes mixed-reality capabilities that could allow for AR apps, looks to solve how we’ll be using the metaverse for more in our lives than just games, simulation and fitness.
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No other company has really cracked this challenge either. But this Vive headset looks, more than ever, like it’s a stepping stone to future AR glasses.
The XR Elite’s battery strap detaches, and glasses-like arms can be added on instead to reduce size further.
„We see where mixed reality is going to create a whole new suite of use cases. We know the virtual reality use cases are great. I think the AR side is amazing, too,“ Dan O’Brien, HTC’s general manager of Vive, told me in a conversation at CES in Las Vegas. He acknowledged that HTC tried to make an AR device in 2015 but stopped because of the complications. O’Brien sees 5G and cloud computing as a key next step. „You need a 5G network, a really robust one to make AR go to scale — you need a cloud infrastructure to deliver to those types of wearables.“
The XR Elite is primarily a standalone VR headset, and it looks like an impressive piece of tech: It has a familiar Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2 chip much like the Meta Quest 2, Quest Pro and Vive’s existing business-focused Focus 3. But it adds a higher-resolution 110-degree field of view, LCD displays with 2K resolution per eye that can run at 90Hz. There’s also a boosted 12GB of RAM along with 128GB of storage. It can connect to PCs to run SteamVR or HTC’s VivePort software, or connect with Android phones. But its potential as a bridge to AR experiences seems like the most impressive feature.
Those are just specs, though. The XR Elite is a VR headset with a similar proposition to previous models, but with expanded capabilities. Its compact size is the most surprising part: At 340 grams, it’s less than half the weight of the Quest Pro. The rear hot-swappable battery gives about two hours of life. It gets even smaller by unclipping the back battery strap and adding glasses arms that can turn the headset into a modified pair of VR glasses, which could just plug into an external USB-C charger or battery for power. It’s small enough to fit in a compact carrying case tube.
The XR Elite in its carrying case, which looks more portable than any other VR headset I’ve seen.
But that compact size comes with a twist: Instead of fitting on top of glasses, the XR Elite uses adjusting dials, or diopters, which can change the lens prescription on the fly without you needing to wear glasses at all — for some people, at least. The diopters only accommodate up to a -6 prescription, but my own vision is over -8 for nearsightedness. It’s a challenge HTC faced with its even smaller Vive Flow phone-connected VR goggles, which also went for the glasses-free approach.
The XR Elite has a dedicated depth sensor on the front, along with color passthrough cameras that can eventually show mixed reality-experiences, similar to the Quest Pro. The Quest Pro doesn’t have the Elite’s added depth sensor, but it accommodates for that with its onboard cameras.
A front camera (part of an array for movement tracking), and also a depth sensor for measuring spaces and layering AR.
The XR Elite could also adapt further. While the hardware doesn’t have its own eye-tracking tools onboard, eye- and face-tracking add-ons are coming later in the year. The headset’s controllers are the same standard ones that HTC has for the Vive Focus 3, which follow the same game controller-like playbook as the Meta Quest 2 and others. But HTC already has its own line of wearable VR body trackers and wristbands, and more accessories could follow.
O’Brien acknowledges that the sticky, mass-market appeal of VR and AR aren’t here yet. „I think developers will be using cloud computing, being able to actually get their content into the metaverse much faster, and much more efficiently,“ he said. „If you think about the streaming business, these streamers, these TikTokkers, all these kids that create the really compelling, fun experiences that just keep drawing you back in? That’s not in the metaverse today, We need to create more opportunities for less sophisticated immersive content creators to get involved, and then create more [of an] Wirtschaft.“
O’Brien sieht Cloud Computing, angetrieben durch die Fähigkeit von Eye-Tracking, Grafikdaten über eine Technologie namens Elastic Rendering zu komprimieren, als eine Möglichkeit, die Prozessoren zukünftiger Headsets zu verkleinern, sie kleiner zu machen und mehr Menschen zu passen.
Das Headset funktioniert nicht mit Brille: Stattdessen verfügt es über Dioptrien-Einstellräder zum Einstellen der Sehstärke im Inneren.
Meine Sorge sind die derzeit begrenzten Verschreibungsmöglichkeiten. „Da wir Zugang zu leichteren Brillen bekommen, ist es wahrscheinlich, dass in Zukunft mehr Menschen ihre Rezepte zu ihnen bringen werden“, sagt O’Brien. „Im Moment können wir nur versuchen, die Mehrheit des Marktes so gut wie möglich mit dieser Art von Einstellungsänderungen anzusprechen, weil wir die Kopfhörer leichter machen müssen. Wir müssen sie bequemer machen. Und wenn Sie es sind Ich werde diese großen Augenkomfortzonen in diese Kopfhörer bekommen, und es wird immer noch sehr groß sein.
O’Brien glaubt, dass die mitgelieferten VR-Controller eines Tages optional werden, möglicherweise aus der Verpackung genommen und separat gekauft werden, aber noch nicht. Die Handverfolgung ist nicht zuverlässig genug. „Die Handverfolgung muss in den nächsten zwei oder drei Jahren große Fortschritte machen, damit sie wirklich mehr zu einem natürlichen Eingabewerkzeug wird.“ Aber O’Brien schlägt vor, dass es eine Möglichkeit ist, erschwingliche Kopfhörer der Zukunft zu bekommen. Wenn der Benutzer die Brille tragen und mit dem Inhalt interagieren kann [with their hands]Dies wird ein viel billigeres Produkt sein.
Dieses Produkt wurde als eines der besten Produkte der CES 2023 ausgezeichnet. Sehen Sie sich die anderen an Best of CES 2023-Preisträger.
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